English in My Hands

Dan Dia mengajarkan kepada Adam nama-nama (benda-benda) seluruhnya, kemudian mengemukakannya kepada para Malaikat lalu berfirman: "Sebutkanlah kepada-Ku nama benda-benda itu jika kamu memang benar orang-orang yang benar!" (Al-Baqarah : 31)


Written by : Dean Pratiwi

Clara continue played game on her handphone fully emotion.

"You dead! You dead! Oh no!! Game over again!!"

And for many times she can`t submited the game. Some people at the bus stop looked at her curiously.

Clara seemed to be fed up. Not because she has more than ten times she can`t submited the game, but because someone who she waited hasn`t come yet. Clara stomped her foot annoyancly. She blew her breath then played her handphone again.

Drrttt Drrttt

There is a new message from her boyfriend. She smiled spontaniously. With glad heart she open the message.

I`m sorry, dear. We must cancel our date today. I have to buy something. I`m sorry :*

Turned up 180¤. Now Clara`s expression seemed very disappointed because her boyfriend cancel their date.

"Damn! I`ve waited you for long time here and you cancel our date?! You made me mad! Huaaa!!!" Clara shouted loudly. And made people at the bus stop thought that she`s not in normal condition.


"You said you`ll never make me wait for long time. But why today you made me waited you so long? You lay"

Clara spoke alone a long way to the quiet garden. She holded her handbag with her both hand. She walked weakly to her favorite tree.

Clara stopped her step under her favorite tree. She lifted up her face to saw the twilight sky with its red pattern.

"You still resentful..." Clara blew her breath again.

"But I still love you..." she smiled cutely at her end sentence.

"Eh?" Clara surprised when a bird`s nest falled down slowly from the top of the tree. The bird`s nest now hanging in front of her. She saw the rope that down the bird`s nest. But she doesn`t care it. She found an egg that cracked become two.

"Oh?!" Clara surprised again when she saw a ring in the egg.

After that, a board paper falled down from the tree. Clara saw that white-pink thing.

Will you marry me, Clara? _Jason_ the paper surprised her when she read it. Plus there is her boyfriend`s name at the end of the sentence.

A few seconds later, the other board paper also falled down with rope in front of her.

I love you, Clara Kim. Will you beside me forever?

Clara rotate her body behind and...


Many lamps that decorated the tree turned on spontaniously. And Clara just realized that there are many board papers hanging on the tree with kinds of sentences like, `I love you my baby`, `please be my wife` and so on which matched with nice colours.

Clara really surprised with all that she see right now. Very beautiful, Clara thought. And when she rotate her body to her first position, she surprised again and again when she saw her boyfriend stood in front of her.

"Jason...." Clara called her boyfriend.

Jason (Clara`s boyfriend`s name) smiled sweetly to Clara. She is very love his smile. Then Jason knelt to Clara and turned up his hand who holded a ring to her.

"Will you marry me, my little princess?" Jason talked.

Clara`s eyes was blurry. And then she nodded slowly to Jason. He reached Clara`s hand and a ring that Clara has seen before now paired at her finger.

Jason stood up. A second later he streched his arms in front of Clara. Without thought again, Clara hug him soon. And tears are falling from Clara`s eyes when her lovely boy hug her too.

"I love you, Clara Kim, my little princess"

"Me too. I do love you, Jason Park, my lovely prince..."

Just the sunset`s shine and a pair of pigeon which flight above the tree that followed Clara`s sweet and beautiful moment together with her soulmate, Jason.

---The End---

This is just a fiction story ^^~ I`m sorry if there are many mistake in my sentences becuz I`m not well in English ^^

Thank you, I`ll wait your comments on my sosial network ^^v Ok??

Written by : Dean Pratiwi 
School        : SMA Ethika, in XI IPA 2
Fb               : DeanFkj Kim (DeanFkj Cassie Aktf)
Twitter       : @deanjunchun
e-mail         : dean7all.junierainbi@yahoo.co.id

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